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The motion was seconded by Ms. Grandquist and passed on a voice vote. Public Comment. Jon Moss, Executive Director of the IHBPA (represents Thoroughbreds), commented: Racing starts Friday, May 13. The IHBPA will enter into an agreement with Churchill Downs for a Twin Spires ADW on Thursday; the IHBPA requested all content be released to ϲʿ, Twin Spires agreed, and it was turned on - the site was so busy during the Kentucky Derby that it shut down for a while. Lobbyist Report. Troy Skinner reported: The session has gone three weeks past the ending date of the 100 day session. Were seeing some movement in getting the budget passed; the Governors education savings accounts/vouchers will probably be by-passed to get the budget passed. Theres very little action going on in the gaming front: The Omnibus Bill is stalled in the Senate it was pared down to eliminate E-Sports, which the IGA agreed on. The Horse Bill passed and was signed by the Governor a purse administrative money increase for the IHBPA and new aftercare for Thoroughbred Horses. PM Board Meeting May 9, 2022 Financials. Elaine Castelline, Vice President of Finance/CFO, reviewed the 1st Quarter financials: 1st Quarter 2022ActualPlan2021Casino Revenue$54.5 m$51.9 m$50.7mTotal Revenue$62.4 m$61,4 m$58.4 mNet Revenue$59.4 m$58.1 m$55.6 mPayroll Expenses$12.1 m$12.9 m$10.7 mOperating Expenses$10.9 m$11.9 m$11.1 mNet Income before Community Benefit$22.4 m$19.8 m$20.7 m Total Revenue, 1st Quarter: Casino $54.5 m; Sportsbook $3.2 m; F&B $1.5 m; Pari-Mutuel $0.2 m; Other $1.4 m; Hotel and Conference Center $1.6 m. Casino Revenue Comparison 1st Quarter: YearCasino Revenue2018$51.2 m2019$50.4 m2020$42.6 m2021$50.7 m2022$53.6 m Hotel Occupancy: MarchYTDϲʿ 61.7%54.2%DM Competitive Set51.2%45.1%Altoona Competitive Set61.3%53.8% Top Performing Areas March Most Recent 4 Years Revenue Caf at the Meadows, and an All-Time Record March for Daily Double Deli, Prairie Coffee Company, and the Paddock. Committee Reports Finance/Audit. Mr. Chittenden said the committee did not meet. Facilities. Mr. Irving said the committee did not meet. Human Resources. Mr. Martin said the committee did not meet. Grants. Ms. Voss noted the Legacy Grants proposal/resolution is in the packet; we received 47 applications in the amount of $21,467,000, and $5 million was allotted; the committee selected 21 projects; there were great presentations; she requests approval of the Grants Resolution. Action Item Legacy Grants Resolution. Mr. Martin moved to approve the Resolution of $5 million to 21 projects, the motion was seconded by Mr. OHollearn, and passed on a voice vote, with Mr. Radia abstaining. Mr. Radia thanked Julie Stewart and staff for doing such a great job. Ms. Voss added her thanks to Ms. Stewart and also to the committee; the work is not done the committee is now working on the Community Betterment requests; its great to be able to give money to organizations thank you to management for a record amount. Mr. Radia thanked those who were able to attend the presentations. PM Board Meeting May 9, 2022 Other. None. Closed Session. Mr. Neugent moved to go into a Closed Session, pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.9 to discuss the search for the Executive Vice President. The motion was seconded by Mr. Chittenden and unanimously passed on a voice vote. The Board went into a Closed Session at 2:20 p.m. The Board went back into an Open Session at 3:22 p.m. Adjournment. Mr. Martin moved to adjourn the meeting, the motion was seconded, and unanimously passed on a voice vote. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, __________________________________ Mary Simon, Its Secretary     PAGE  PAGE 1 PAGE  PAGE 2 :?DEFGOPl{         " # $ 3 4 6 H S U f p ¾º¦ž’}y}}uq}y}hdch$1h' hLh,*[h7hg"O hx>*hxh[EhT_hn h5hl/hhhdhqhseh$Hhx hx5\hE5CJ\hx5CJ\hEf.5CJ\h q,5CJ\hf5CJ\ hxCJ,:FPQ     $ % 5 Jkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ $$Ifa$gd@ $a$gd!_$a$gd!_gd!_ 5 6 G H T _S $$Ifa$gdyJkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ $$Ifa$gd@ JkdT$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/T U c d r _S $$Ifa$gd' JkdP$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ $$Ifa$gdyJkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/p q r    , 7 > P Q g v z {    } B C ( * k x y z ļĴ haJhs,hNh*#hh"hhoh\hlihn hx hx>*h"hqh&hT_hfhfCJaJhfh#QhhLh' hx7r s _Jkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ $$Ifa$gd@ Jkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ _S $$Ifa$gd' Jkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ $$Ifa$gdyJkdL$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ _JkdH$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ $$Ifa$gdyJkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ _SS $$Ifa$gd@ Jkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/ $$Ifa$gd' Jkd$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/   , Q { C a y z $ & Fa$gdf$a$gd!_JkdD$$Ifl  t 644 lap yt$/z prx;<>FSTVdefw~  ż~zzzzzzz~zzhF} hqhGjhh5 hqhhhGjh5H* h5hGjhGjH*hGjh h>*hIh6|%aJ hIaJ h6|%aJ hO8aJ h@aJ h!_aJ hjOaJ hs,aJ hNaJh1`hN>*aJ0z 9Sd$ !$Ifa$gd$a$gd?D$a$gd6|%$a$gd6|% $ & Fa$gdjO $ & Fa$gdjO$a$gd*# defmrwyhhh$ !$Ifa$gd$ !$Ifa$gdukd$$IfTl."" t0644 lap ytaTwxL;**$ !$Ifa$gd$ !$Ifa$gdkd#$$IfTl\h."H t0644 lapytaT;*$ !$Ifa$gdkd$$IfTl\h."H t0644 lapytaT$ !$Ifa$gd;*$ !$Ifa$gdkdi$$IfTl\h."H t0644 lapytaT$ !$Ifa$gd;kd $$IfTl\h."H t0644 lapytaT$ !$Ifa$gd $ !$Ifa$gd$ !$Ifa$gd (/078?Aelmtu|~ ,/19;OU\cjqx/5HŻᱨᙐhah'5aJhah'aJ h'aJhah?DaJhahF}aJhahF}5aJh?Dh?DH*aJ h?DaJ h@aJ hO8aJhF}hF}H*aJ hF}aJ haJh hqhGjhGjhF}3(08L;**$ !$Ifa$gd$ !$Ifa$gdkd$$IfTl\h."H t0644 lapytaT8@Aem;*$ !$Ifa$gd<=1kdR$$IfTl\h."H t0644 lapytaT$ !$Ifa$gdmu}~;// $ !a$gdkd$$IfTl\h."H t0644 lapytaT$ !$Ifa$gd;@OPU]WF$ !$Ifa$gdYkd $$IfTl0 p t0644 lapytaT$ !$Ifa$gda $ !a$gd]^cktcR$ !$Ifa$gdY$ !$Ifa$gdakd6 $$IfTl0 p t0644 lapytaTklqytcR$ !$Ifa$gdY$ !$Ifa$gdakd $$IfTl0 p t0644 lapytaTyztcR$ !$Ifa$gdY$ !$Ifa$gdakdr $$IfTl0 p t0644 lapytaTtcR$ !$Ifa$gdY$ !$Ifa$gdakd $$IfTl0 p t0644 lapytaTthhWFF$ !$Ifa$gdX7$ !$Ifa$gda $ !a$gdkd $$IfTl0 p t0644 lapytaT\K::$ !$Ifa$gda$ !$Ifa$gdakdL $$IfTlF 4Dh 8 t06    44 lapytX7T\K::$ !$Ifa$gda$ !$Ifa$gdakd$$IfTlF 4Dh 8 t06    44 lapytX7T \K::$ !$Ifa$gda$ !$Ifa$gdakd$$IfTlF 4Dh 8 t06    44 lapytX7T\PPKC8 $ & Fa$gd)A$a$gdkdSgd~ $ !a$gdkdn$$IfTlF 4Dh 8 t06    44 lapytX7THIQRSmpq#&QRad b}  m  *+0:I}ɮhRs3hRs3>*aJ h6|%aJ hRs3aJ hvaJ hb!aJ hu#*aJ hiukaJ h*#aJ ha.aJh*#hu#*aJh*#hiukaJhu#*hiuk>*aJ h~aJ haJ ht%aJ hO8aJ h'aJ hV\aJ1R *+9:()[\NPh $ !a$gdj$a$gdj$a$gdkdS $^a$gdRs3$a$gd6|%$a$gda. $ & Fa$gda. $ & Fa$gds $ & Fa$gdkdS $ & Fa$gd)A DMNP񴰴jh60JUhu^0JmHnHuh{6 h{60Jjh{60JUh7hh`Vjh`VUhhjhjPJaJhn4hjaJ hb!aJ hV6aJ hRs3aJhhj>*aJ hjaJh*#hRs3aJ0hijk&`#$$a$gdkdS$a$gdj $ !a$gdj$a$gdkdS&`#$  hjaJh`Vhu^0JmHnHuh6jh60JU h60J 1 0:pV6/ =!"#$% 5 0:p,vs/ =!"#$% P 1 0:pn / =!"#$% 1 0:pn / =!"#$% 5 0:pn / =!"#$% P 1 0:pu^/ =!"#$% R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/R$$If!vh#v :V l t 65 p yt$/$$If!vh#v":V l t065"p ytaT$$If!vh#vH#v:V l t065H5pytaT$$If!vh#vH#v:V l t065H5pytaT$$If!vh#vH#v:V l t065H5pytaT$$If!vh#vH#v:V l t065H5pytaT$$If!vh#vH#v:V l t065H5pytaT$$If!vh#vH#v:V l t065H5pytaT$$If!vh#vH#v:V l t065H5pytaT$$If!vh#v #vp:V l t065 5ppytaT$$If!vh#v #vp:V l t065 5ppytaT$$If!vh#v #vp:V l t065 5ppytaT$$If!vh#v #vp:V l t065 5ppytaT$$If!vh#v #vp:V l t065 5ppytaT$$If!vh#v #vp:V l t065 5ppytaT$$If!vh#vh #v8#v:V l t065h 585pytX7T$$If!vh#vh #v8#v:V l t065h 585pytX7T$$If!vh#vh #v8#v:V l t065h 585pytX7T$$If!vh#vh #v8#v:V l t065h 585pytX7Twp2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666_HmH nH sH tH <`< NormalCJ_HmH sH tH @@  Heading 1$$@&a$5\DD  Heading 2$$@&a$ 5CJ\DD  Heading 3$$@&a$ 5CJ\DA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List \$\ Envelope Address!@ &+D/^@ 4 @4 Footer  !.)@. 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